AACC Winter Party

Event time: 
Thursday, December 9, 2021 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
(see "Description" for details) See map
Event description: 

Guess what’s back this year?! The annual AACC Winter Party at 295 Crown Street! Come through to the AACC on December 9th from 5:00 - 8:00 PM to celebrate the holidays with your best pals and hang out with the cheery AACC staff. Beyond the good company and delicious food, be thrilled by the First-Year AACC Gingerbread House-Making Competition, sing a song on the Karaoke Machine, or play a match in Super Smash Bros! Don’t miss out on this once-a-year occasion!
**This event is a part of the AACC Leadership Certificate program playlist**
Location can be found through the registration page.